The Lashe® Workshop
A review of the basic elements of the lash extension application process for practicing stylists.
The Lashe® is offering a 1-day workshop for eyelash extension practitioners that have been lashing from a few months to a few years.
The goal of the workshop is to help you firm up your basic skills and to help you prepare for the next level of performance. You will receive the latest information on the fundamentals as well as have the opportunity to practice and be evaluated.

You will leave the workshop with greater confidence and a stronger base upon which to build — that should have a positive effect on your efficiency and retention as well as how satisfied your clients are and how fatigued you are at the end of your workday.
Participation to the workshop is limited and each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
The workshop covers the following topics:
- The nature of natural lashes and their unique cycle.
- How to set up your work station, chair, bed.
- How to cut and apply gel/silicon patches, tape.
- How to hold/use the tweezers: isolation, application.
- How to position your hands on the client’s forehead.
- Introduction to The Lashe® Technique (How to correctly apply The Lashe® adhesive).
- Patch, tape removal; work station, tool clean up.
- Room dynamics: humidity, temperature, day and night.
- The importance of client home care; aftercare products.
- Stylist well-being/burn out: Eyes, hands, back.