



The Lashe Coaching by Founder Nicole Flevaris, Pioneer in the eyelash extension industry.

1-on-1 Mentoring
Introduction to The Lashe Technique from our Founder
Troubleshoot and Discuss pain points
The Lashe Coaching Pre-Questionnaire
The Lashe Coaching Action Plans
The Lashe professional products (see below for details)
E-Certificate of Attendance


Increase your lash speed and efficiency 

Understanding adhesive control and master retention

Gain a strong foundation & confidence

Prepare for your next level of performance

Increase Revenue

Take control of your business, and set it up for success

Upon completion of your lash coaching sessions, you will experience an increase in confidence and a solid foundation to build upon. This will have a positive impact on your overall confidence, productivity, and retention, as well as the satisfaction of your clients and your level of fatigue at the end of each workday.



The Lashe Coaching is for existing lash stylists with the ability to be comfortable in applying eyelash extensions.  


What’s Included

1.     60 minutes of coaching in two 30-minute Zoom sessions with the Founder of The Lashe, Nicole Flevaris.

2.     The Lashe products

            1 Bottle of Rapid Dry Adhesive

            1 Pack of Micro Dosing Tips 

            1 Pack of Adhesive Shields  

            1 Silicone Round

            1 Tray of Multi Length Black Lashe Extensions C-curl, 0.15mm Diameter, Regular (7-12mm)

            1 Cleanser

            Instructions sent via email


3.     The Lashe Coaching Pre-Questionnaire

 4.     The Lashe Coaching Action Plan will be sent after both sessions are completed.

5.     E-Certificate of Attendance will be sent via email once both sessions and a post-coaching follow up with a Lashe Team member is completed.

6.     A pre-coaching and post-coaching follow up with a Lashe Team member.


Future Benefits  

Access to tailored 1-on-1, 30-minute Lashe Coaching with Nicole are available at $185 per coaching session. These sessions can be tailored to your lash needs and can include topics like branding, marketing, retail revenue sources, staffing and scaling strategies, customer relations as well as lash application and artistry tips and personal growth and confidence.

Access to 1-on-1 in person Lashe Coaching with Nicole at our Flagship Salon Lashe in Chicago tailored to your lash needs. *

Access to long term lash coaching and mentoring. *

Opportunity to be added to The Lashe Referral List* 

*Inquire with a Lashe® Team member for more information.


Before the first 30-minute session - please send us 3 before and after photos of your most recent lash work with the gel pads on, eyes closed, and no resizing or cropping the photos. If using an iPhone, choose actual size when sending so when we zoom in the photos will not blur. 

The Lashe Coaching Pre-Questionnaire and a pre-coaching and post-coaching follow up with a Lashe Team member.


Please note - We will not set an appointment time for the coaching sessions until we are in receipt of the before and after photos. Please either email the photos to or text them to 312-978-2332 with the subject line “Photos - Coaching” and your name.  


The Lashe Coaching is for existing lash stylists with the ability to be comfortable in applying eyelash extensions.  


Before the first 30-minute session - please send us 3 before and after photos of your most recent lash work with the gel pads on, eyes closed, and no resizing or cropping the photos. If using an iPhone, choose actual size when sending so when we zoom in the photos will not blur. 

The Lashe® Coaching Pre-Questionnaire and a pre-coaching and post-coaching follow up with a Lashe® Team member.

Please note - We will not set an appointment time for the coaching sessions until we are in receipt of the before and after photos. Please either email the photos to or text them to 312-978-2332 with the subject line “Photos - Coaching” and your name.  

Why Nicole?

Over 15 years of experience in the lash and beauty industries.

Offers Solutions

Keeps you on track

Gives honest feedback

Boosts your confidence

About Nicole

Nicole holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and International Business and a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Illinois, with a background in biology, chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacognosy.

In 2007, Nicole initiated a project to create a high-quality product line. After two years of refining the The Lashe® product line, the company was officially launched in 2009. In 2011, the company opened its flagship Salon Lashe® in Chicago's Gold Coast, offering top-notch eyelash extensions, eyebrow extensions, and later, eyebrow cosmetic tattooing and scalp micro pigmentation.

Nicole designed The Lashe® product line with the needs of lash stylists in mind. She stated, "I always wanted to create a product and lash application technique that works for the lash stylist and does not harm the natural lashes or compromise product quality or safety."

With this vision in mind, Nicole created The Lashe® Technique, a culmination of her extensive experience in the lash extension and beauty industry.

What is The Lashe® Technique?

The Lashe® Technique is our company's innovation in the eyelash extension industry. Developed since 2007, the technique aims to provide a safe, reliable, precise, and artistic method of attaching extensions to eyelashes, customized to the individual's facial features.

Our technique stands apart from others and its core lies in the attachment process. The unique feature of the technique is made possible by the composition and viscosity of our Rapid Dry adhesive, which allows for minimal use of adhesive due to its concentrated formula. The extension is only moistened at the base, up to 25% of its length, eliminating the need for "painting" the lash with adhesive.

One of the key benefits of our technique is that, when properly attached (as per our instructions) and the client does not have oily skin or use oil-based products, the extension will remain in place until the natural eyelash sheds. Another advantage is that 75% of the extension is free of adhesive, providing flexibility when pressed against, preserving the bond strength and preventing stiffness.

The Lashe® Technique is the preferred method in training and continuing education courses for master stylists globally. It involves expertise in combining different lengths, sizes, curls, and positions, including lower lashes and genuine mink lashes, to match and enhance the individual's facial features.

What to expect after you purchase?

A Lashe® team member will contact you and go over The Lashe® Coaching Pre- Questionnaire, any questions you may have as well as setting up your lash coaching session and providing you with all information for the session on an ongoing basis.

The Lashe® products will be sent out to you via our shipping policy.

Why do we limit our sessions to 30 minutes?

It’s simple - The coaching isn’t simply as powerful!  30-minute sessions encourage efficiency, courage, focus and attention.

What is The Lashe® Coaching Pre- Questionnaire?

The Lashe® Coaching Pre-Questionnaire will ask a variety of questions regarding your current situation, difficulties and desired changes. 

What will you need for your Lashe® Coaching session?

Please have your Lashe® products, your tweezers and eyewear ready for the session.

What is The Lashe® Coaching Action Plan?

The Lashe® Coaching Action Plan will be a guide to development of technical and artistic skills as well as goal recommendations for the next coaching session. The action plan will help guide you towards your specific goals and will help you complete them faster, easier, and more efficiently.

After completing both sessions, you will receive your Lashe® Coaching Action Plan.

I’m outside of the U.S, can I participate?

Yes. Please note that we are UTC/GMT-06:00

Technical Requirements 

Laptop or Desktop with working microphone and video capabilities. If using a tablet or iPad, it must be placed on a flexible stand.  If you do not have access to a laptop/desktop/tablet please contact us.

Zoom application

Well-lit area or spot light

Quiet room / area preferably your lash room.

Dress Requirements

Business Casual


Should you need to reschedule, The Lashe® will make every effort to accommodate you. We ask that you inform us as soon as possible. A rescheduling fee of $95.00 will apply if you reschedule within one (1) to seven (7) days prior to your Lashe® Coaching session.

“No Show”

Please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule. A rescheduling fee of $175 will apply.

Arriving Late

If you are late for your lash coaching session, it may be necessary to reschedule. We encourage you to log in to Zoom 5 minutes prior to your lash coaching session.


No refunds.


First session must be completed within 8 weeks from the date the Lashe® products are sent out to you.  


We are currently scheduling coaching sessions for Mondays, with some flexibility on dates if you book early.

We’re here to help!

Contact us with any questions at (773) 202-9399 or email us at